
Initialize SIGMA-UI in a Laravel project.

Create project (optional step)

If you don't have a Laravel project yet, create it first. Here's an example using laravel CLI:

laravel new my-app --typescript --breeze --stack=vue --git --no-interaction

Initialize SIGMA-UI

In your existing Laravel project, run the following command to config SIGMA-UI (learn more in: CLI docs > init):

npx sigma-ui init

And follow the steps in your terminal.

Update tailwind.config.js

The sigma-ui CLI will automatically overwrite your tailwind.config.js. Update it to look like this:

import forms from '@tailwindcss/forms'
import defaultTheme from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme'

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  darkMode: 'class',
  content: [

  theme: {
    container: {
      center: true,
      padding: '2rem',
      screens: {
        '2xl': '1400px',
    extend: {
      colors: {
        border: 'hsl(var(--border))',
        input: 'hsl(var(--input))',
        ring: 'hsl(var(--ring))',
        background: 'hsl(var(--background))',
        foreground: 'hsl(var(--foreground))',
        primary: {
          DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--primary))',
          foreground: 'hsl(var(--primary-foreground))',
        secondary: {
          DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--secondary))',
          foreground: 'hsl(var(--secondary-foreground))',
        destructive: {
          DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--destructive))',
          foreground: 'hsl(var(--destructive-foreground))',
        muted: {
          DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--muted))',
          foreground: 'hsl(var(--muted-foreground))',
        accent: {
          DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--accent))',
          foreground: 'hsl(var(--accent-foreground))',
        popover: {
          DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--popover))',
          foreground: 'hsl(var(--popover-foreground))',
        card: {
          DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--card))',
          foreground: 'hsl(var(--card-foreground))',
      borderRadius: {
        lg: 'var(--radius)',
        md: 'calc(var(--radius) - 2px)',
        sm: 'calc(var(--radius) - 4px)',
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ['Figtree', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
      keyframes: {
        'accordion-down': {
          from: { height: 0 },
          to: { height: 'var(--radix-accordion-content-height)' },
        'accordion-up': {
          from: { height: 'var(--radix-accordion-content-height)' },
          to: { height: 0 },
      animation: {
        'accordion-down': 'accordion-down 0.2s ease-out',
        'accordion-up': 'accordion-up 0.2s ease-out',

  plugins: [forms, require('tailwindcss-animate')],

Add components

You can now start adding components to your project (learn more in: CLI docs > add):

npx sigma-ui add button

The command above will add the Button component to your project. You can then import and use it like this:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button'

  <Button>Click me</Button>
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